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ERDDAP > tabledap > Subset ?

Dataset Title:  * The List of All Active Datasets in this ERDDAP * Subscribe RSS
Institution:  Axiom Docker Install   (Dataset ID: allDatasets)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | Metadata | Background | Data Access Form | Make a graph

Select a subset:      (Current number of distinct combinations of matching data: 258)
Make as many selections as you want, in any order. Each selection changes the other options (and the map and data below) accordingly.

    accessible ?  =  1 option: public
    dataStructure ?  =  1 option: table
    cdm_data_type ?  =  1 option: Other
    class ?  =  2 options
    institution ?  =  258 options
    testOutOfDate ?  =  1 option:

View:      Distinct Data Counts ?     Distinct Data ?      Related Data Counts ?     Related Data ?


Distinct Data Counts ?

To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.


Distinct Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)  

accessible dataStructure cdm_data_type class institution testOutOfDate
public table Other EDDTableFromAllDatasets Axiom Docker Install
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles Accobams, CIBRA
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles AIMS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles ALNITAK
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles ARC
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles ATUTAX
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles AU-BIOS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles AU-DCE
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles AUTh
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles AUTh, HCMR
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles AWI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles AWI, DZMB
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles AWI, MARUM
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles AWI, NMNM, RAS-ZIN, CAU-IPOE
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles AWI, SASA
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles AWI-AWI-Sylt
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles BBSR
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles BDRI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles BELSPO, LNE, LNE-INBO, IRScNB/KBIN-BMM
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles BELSPO, UGent-ECOTOX
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles BLWG
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles BODC, MBA
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles BRTA-AZTI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles CAU
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles CAU, GEOMAR
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles CAU, SGN
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles CAU-IFM-GEOMAR
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles CEBC
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles CeDocBiV
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles CEFAS, MBA
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles CEFAS, OPI, TCD
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles CFF
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles CHENE
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles CIIMAR
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles CIMAR
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles CIRCE
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles CNRS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles COML, SOTON-NOC, SOTON-SOES
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles CoNISMa-LZMB
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles CRAM
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles CSIC-ICM
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles CUNY
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles CWS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles CZULE
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles DCAN
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles DomSeTCO
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles DTU-DTU Aqua, ICES
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles DWTC, UGent-MARBIOL
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles DZMB
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles EcoServe
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles FSERC-SMBL
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles FURG, VLIZ
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles GeoEcoMar
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles GHR, IenW-RWS, WUR-IMARES
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles GINR
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles HCMR
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles HCMR, HCMR-IMBCC
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles HCMR, NASU-IBSS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles HCMR, NIOF
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles HWDT
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles ICCM
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles ICES
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles IFAW
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles IFREMER
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles ILVO, UGent-MARBIOL, VLIZ, BELSPO
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles IMAR, UAC-DOP
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles IMARPE, OPI, TCD
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles IMEDEA
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles IMGW-IMWM MB
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles IMMRAC
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles IMR
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles INSTM
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles INSTM, FSS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles IOC
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles IOLR, HCMR
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles IOW
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles IRD
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles IRScNB/KBIN
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles IRScNB/KBIN, BELSPO
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles IRScNB/KBIN-BMM, BELSPO
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles ISPRA, OGS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles ISPRA, UNIBO-LMBF, OGS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles IZOR
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles JNCC
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles KETOS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles KMFRI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles KMFRI, VLIZ, VUB-ECOMAMA, VUB-ECOL
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles KNAW-CEME, NIOZ-YRE, KNAW-NIOO-KNAW
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles KU-DanBIF
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles KULeuven
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles LIENSs
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles LNE, LNE-INBO, BELSPO
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles LNE-INBO
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles LNE-INBO, BLWG, UvA-IBED
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles LNE-INBO, UGent-TEREC, VLIZ, UA, UvA-IBED
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles LUC, UGent, VLIZ, KMFRI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles LV
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles LV, UGent
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MARUM
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MBA
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MBA, DERC, NBN
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MBA, JNCC, NBN
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MBA, MCS, NBN
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MBA, NBN
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MBA, NBN, YNU
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MBA, NHM
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MBA, NMGW
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MBA, NRW
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MBA, NRW, NBN
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MBA, PML
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MEDASSET
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MI, ICES
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MINECO
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MINECO-IEO
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MINECO-IEO, MINECO
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MNHN
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MNHN, IRD, MBA
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MNHN-SPN
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MRI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MSU
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles MSU, NASU-OB IBSS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NAGREF-FRI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NASU, NASU-IBSS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NASU-IBSS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NASU-IBSS, HCMR
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NASU-OB IBSS, MSU
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NBC, Naturalis
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NBC-ETI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NBN
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NBN, MBA, NRW
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NCSR-NCMS/LNCSR, HCMR
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NHM
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NIB-MBS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NIMRD
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NINA
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NIOF, HCMR
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NIOZ
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NIOZ, GBIF-NLBIF
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NIOZ-MON
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NIOZ-YES, KNAW-NIOO-KNAW
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NIOZ-YES, NIOZ
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NIOZ-YES, NIOZ-MON, NIOZ
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NIOZ-YES, UGent-MARBIOL, KNAW-NIOO-KNAW
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NIOZ-YES, UGent-MARBIOL, NIOZ
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NMGW, MBA, UCC-CMRC, TCD
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NMK, VLIZ, KMFRI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NMNM
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NMNM-IZ
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NOAA
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NOAA, MBA, SAHFOS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NOAA-NODC
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NOAA-SEFSC
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles None
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NPWS, UCC-CMRC
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NRC-EKOI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NRM
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NSF
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles NUI Galway-NUIG-RI, NUI Galway
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles OAG
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles OCEAMM
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles OGS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles OLF, DNV
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles ONU
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles OOB-LOBB
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles OPI, CSIRO, TCD
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles OPI, INVEMAR, TCD
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles OPI, MHSC, TCD
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles OPI, RUC, AAU, TCD
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles OPI, RUC, TCD
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles OPI, TCD
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles OPI, UTEE-EMI, TCD
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles PAN-IOPAN
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles PML
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles RAS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles RAS-FEB
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles RAS-SIO RAS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles RAS-SIO RAS, MNHN-DMPA
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles RAS-SIO RAS, MSU
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles RAS-SIO RAS, MSU, NHM
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles RAS-SIO RAS, RAS-ZIN
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles RAS-SIO RAS, SGN
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles RAS-WSBS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles RAS-ZIN
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles RAVON
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles RSPB, MBA, NBN
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles RUG
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles SAHFOS, ICES
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles SAMS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles SASA
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles SGN
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles SNH, MBA, NBN
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles SOTON-NOC
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles SOTON-NOC, PAN-IOPAN
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles SOTON-SOC
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles SU, DFO
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles TI-Thünen-SF, IMR
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UA, LNE-INBO, UGent-TEREC
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UAC-DOP, IMAR
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UAF-SFOS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UALG
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UCC-CMRC
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UCSD-SIO
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UdG-Gespm, OPI, TCD
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UG
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UGent, UGent-MARBIOL, VLIZ, KMFRI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UGent, VLIZ, KMFRI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UGent, VLIZ, UGent-FBW, KMFRI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UGent-MARBIOL
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UGent-MARBIOL, BELSPO
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UGent-MARBIOL, LNE-INBO
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UGent-MARBIOL, VLIZ
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UGent-MARBIOL, VLIZ, BELSPO
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UGent-MARBIOL, VLIZ, KMFRI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UGent-MARBIOL, VLIZ, LNE-INBO
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UGent-MARBIOL, VLIZ, LNE-INBO, IRScNB/KBIN-OD Natuur
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UGent-MARBIOL, VLIZ, UGent
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UGent-MARBIOL, VLIZ, Uhasselt-CMKDK, VUB-FAME
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UGent-MARBIOL, VLIZ, VUB-FAME
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UiO
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UKHO
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UkrSCES
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UkrSCES, NASU-IBSS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles ULB
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles ULG, IRScNB/KBIN-OD Natuur
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UNAM
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UNEP-UNEP-WCMC, SOTON-NOC, MBA, UOP
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UoC, AUTh, CNR-IAMC, HCMR
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles USM
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles USTAN
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles USTAN-SMRU
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UTAS, OPI, RUC, TCD
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UvA-IBED, LNE-INBO
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles UvA-UVA-ZMA
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles VLIZ
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles VLIZ, KMFRI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles VLIZ, LNE-INBO, UGent-TEREC, UvA-IBED
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles VLIZ, SC
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles VLIZ, UGent
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles VLIZ, UGent, UGent-FBW
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles VLIZ, UGent, UGent-FBW, KMFRI, KMMA
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles VLIZ, VUB-ECOL
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles VLIZ, VUB-ECOL, KWS
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles VLIZ, VUB-ECOL, VUB-FAME
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles VLIZ, VUB-FAME, NASU-IBSS, VUB-ECOL, KMFRI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles VUB, KMFRI, VLIZ, UA
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles VUB-bDIV, VLIZ, KMFRI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles VUB-ECOL, VLIZ, KMFRI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles VUB-FAME, UGent-MARBIOL, VLIZ, KMFRI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles VUB-FAME, VLIZ, UvA, NBC, NIOZ
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles WDCS, Accobams
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles WDCS, CIBRA
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles WHOI
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles WHOI, MSU
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles WUR-WMR
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles WWF
public table Other EDDTableFromAsciiFiles YugNIRO

In total, there are 258 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above. All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.

Related Data Counts ?

To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Related Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)

To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

ERDDAP, Version 2.23
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