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EUROBIS data served via ERDDAP
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Brought to you by VLIZ Eurobis |
Dataset Title: | Phytoplankton North Adriatic-ALPE ADRIA Project
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Institution: | OGS (Dataset ID: alpeadria_phyto) |
Information: | Summary ![]() ![]() ![]() |
To view the map, check View : Map of All Related Data above.
WARNING: This may involve lots of data.
For some datasets, this may be slow.
Consider using this only when you need it and
have selected a small subset of the data.
To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.
Distinct Data
(Refine the data subset and/or download the data)
ScientificName | BasisOfRecord | YearCollected | MonthCollected | DayCollected | aphia_id |
Not applicable | None | None | None | None | Not applicable |
Acanthoica | |||||
Acanthoica quattrospina | |||||
Alexandrium | |||||
Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax | |||||
Amphidinium | |||||
Amphora | |||||
Asterionellopsis glacialis | |||||
Asterolampra | |||||
Asteromphalus | |||||
Bacillariophyceae | |||||
Bacteriastrum | |||||
Calciosolenia | |||||
Calciosolenia murrayi | |||||
Cerataulina pelagica | |||||
Ceratoneis closterium | |||||
Chaetoceros | |||||
Chaetoceros affinis | |||||
Chaetoceros curvisetus | |||||
Chaetoceros decipiens | |||||
Chaetoceros lauderi | |||||
Chaetoceros pendulus | |||||
Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus | |||||
Chaetoceros teres | |||||
Chlorophyceae | |||||
Chrysochromulina | |||||
Chrysophyceae | |||||
Climacosphenia | |||||
Cochlodinium | |||||
Coscinodiscus | |||||
Cryptophyceae | |||||
Cyclotella | |||||
Detonula pumila | |||||
Dictyocha fibula | |||||
Dimeregramma | |||||
Dinophyceae | |||||
Dinophysis | |||||
Dinophysis acuminata | |||||
Dinophysis caudata | |||||
Dinophysis dens | |||||
Dinophysis fortii | |||||
Dinophysis sacculus | |||||
Dinophysis tripos | |||||
Diploneis | |||||
Diplosalis | |||||
Distephanus | |||||
Distephanus speculum | |||||
Eucampia | |||||
Eucampia cornuta | |||||
Euglenoidea | |||||
Glenodinium | |||||
Gonyaulax | |||||
Gonyaulax digitale | |||||
Gonyaulax fragilis | |||||
Gonyaulax polygramma | |||||
Gonyaulax spinifera | |||||
Gonyaulax verior | |||||
Grammatophora | |||||
Grammatophora marina | |||||
Guinardia flaccida | |||||
Gymnodinium | |||||
Gyrodinium | |||||
Gyrodinium fusiforme | |||||
Gyrodinium lachryma | |||||
Gyrodinium pingue | |||||
Halopappus | |||||
Hemiaulus hauckii | |||||
Hermesinum | |||||
Lauderia annulata | |||||
Leptocylindrus | |||||
Leptocylindrus danicus | |||||
Leptocylindrus mediterraneus | |||||
Leptocylindrus minimus | |||||
Lingulodinium polyedrum | |||||
Melosira | |||||
Meringosphaera | |||||
Mesoporos | |||||
Micracanthodinium | |||||
Micracanthodinium claytonii | |||||
Navicula | |||||
Neoceratium | |||||
Neoceratium breve | |||||
Neoceratium candelabrum | |||||
Neoceratium carnegiei | |||||
Neoceratium extensum | |||||
Neoceratium furca | |||||
Neoceratium fusus | |||||
Neoceratium macroceros | |||||
Neoceratium massiliense | |||||
Neoceratium minutum | |||||
Neoceratium trichoceros | |||||
Neoceratium tripos | |||||
Nitzschia | |||||
Octactis octonaria | |||||
Odontella | |||||
Odontella sinensis | |||||
Oxytoxum | |||||
Oxytoxum scolopax | |||||
Phalacroma rotundatum | |||||
Podolampas palmipes | |||||
Pontosphaera | |||||
Prasinophyceae | |||||
Proboscia alata | |||||
Proboscia indica | |||||
Pronoctiluca | |||||
Prorocentrum | |||||
Prorocentrum balticum | |||||
Prorocentrum cordatum | |||||
Prorocentrum gracile | |||||
Prorocentrum micans | |||||
Prorocentrum nanum | |||||
Prorocentrum triestinum | |||||
Protoperidinium | |||||
Protoperidinium bipes | |||||
Protoperidinium breve | |||||
Protoperidinium cerasus | |||||
Protoperidinium curtipes | |||||
Protoperidinium depressum | |||||
Protoperidinium diabolum | |||||
Protoperidinium divergens | |||||
Protoperidinium granii | |||||
Protoperidinium longipes | |||||
Protoperidinium marie-lebouriae | |||||
Protoperidinium mediterraneum | |||||
Protoperidinium mite | |||||
Protoperidinium nanum | |||||
Protoperidinium oblongum | |||||
Protoperidinium ovum | |||||
Protoperidinium quarnerense | |||||
Protoperidinium steinii | |||||
Protozoa | |||||
Prymnesiophyceae | |||||
Pseliodinium vaubanii | |||||
Pseudosolenia calcar-avis | |||||
Pyrocystis | |||||
Pyrocystis lunula | |||||
Rhabdolithes | |||||
Rhabdolithes claviger | |||||
Rhizosolenia | |||||
Rhizosolenia imbricata | |||||
Rhizosolenia styliformis | |||||
Scrippsiella | |||||
Scrippsiella trochoidea | |||||
Skeletonema | |||||
Synedra | |||||
Syracolithus | |||||
Syracosphaera | |||||
Syracosphaera pulchra | |||||
Thalassionema frauenfeldii | |||||
Thalassionema nitzschioides | |||||
Thalassiosira | |||||
Thalassiothrix longissima | |||||
Thalassiothrix mediterranea | |||||
Triceratium | |||||
Tryblionella compressa |
In total, there are 155 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above.
All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.
To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.
WARNING: This may involve lots of data.
For some datasets, this may be slow.
Consider using this only when you need it and
have selected a small subset of the data.
Related Data
(Refine the data subset and/or download the data)
To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.
WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.