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Dataset Title:  Zooplankton community and pelagic copepods in Tudor creek (Mombasa, Kenya)
between 1984 and 1987
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Institution:  VLIZ, VUB-ECOL, VUB-FAME   (Dataset ID: copepods_mombasa_1984_1987)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Data Access Form | Files | Make a graph

Select a subset:      (Current number of distinct combinations of matching data: 227)
Make as many selections as you want, in any order. Each selection changes the other options (and the map and data below) accordingly.

    ScientificName ?  =  Not applicable   154 options
    BasisOfRecord ?  =  None   1 option: HumanObservation
    YearCollected ?  =  None   5 options
    MonthCollected ?  =  None   13 options
    sex ?  =  None   3 options
    lifestage ?  =  None   12 options
    aphia_id ?  =  Not applicable   28 options

View:      Map of All Related Data ?      Distinct Data Counts ?     Distinct Data ?      Related Data Counts ?     Related Data ?

Map of All Related Data ?   (Refine the map and/or download the image)

To view the map, check View : Map of All Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Distinct Data Counts ?

To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.


Distinct Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)  

ScientificName BasisOfRecord YearCollected MonthCollected sex lifestage aphia_id
Not applicable None None None None None Not applicable
Acartia amboinensis HumanObservation
Acartia amboinensis HumanObservation Female Adult
Acartia amboinensis HumanObservation Male Adult
Acartia bispinosa HumanObservation
Acartia danae HumanObservation
Acartia natalensis HumanObservation
Acartia negligens HumanObservation
Acartia pietschmani HumanObservation
Acetes HumanObservation
Acrocalanus gibber HumanObservation
Acrocalanus gracilis HumanObservation
Acrocalanus longicornis HumanObservation
Acrocalanus monachus HumanObservation
Alima HumanObservation
Amphioxus HumanObservation
Amphipoda HumanObservation 1135.0
Anilocra HumanObservation
Anomura HumanObservation Zoeae
Aphroditidae HumanObservation Larvae 938.0
Appendicularia HumanObservation
Bestiola sp. HumanObservation
Bivalvia HumanObservation Veliger 105.0
Brachyura HumanObservation Megalopa
Brachyura HumanObservation Megalopae
Brachyura HumanObservation Zoeae
Bryozoa HumanObservation Cyphonautes larvae
Calanoida HumanObservation 1100.0
Calanopia elliptica HumanObservation
Calanopia elliptica HumanObservation Female Adult
Calanopia elliptica HumanObservation Male Adult
Calanopia minor HumanObservation
Calanopia minor HumanObservation Female Adult
Calanopia minor HumanObservation Male Adult
Calanopia parathompsoni HumanObservation
Calanopia parathompsoni HumanObservation Female Adult
Calanopia parathompsoni HumanObservation Male Adult
Calanus darwinii HumanObservation
Calanus minor HumanObservation
Calocalanus sp. HumanObservation
Candacia catula HumanObservation
Candacia longimana HumanObservation
Candacia magna HumanObservation
Candacia pachydactyla HumanObservation
Candacia tenuimana HumanObservation
Canthocalanus pauper HumanObservation
Canthocalanus pauper HumanObservation Female Adult
Canthocalanus pauper HumanObservation Male Adult
Caridea HumanObservation
Caridea HumanObservation Larvae
Centropages calaninus HumanObservation
Centropages elongatus HumanObservation
Centropages furcatus HumanObservation
Centropages furcatus HumanObservation Female Adult
Centropages furcatus HumanObservation Male Adult
Centropages gracilis HumanObservation
Centropages orsinii HumanObservation
Centropages orsinii HumanObservation Female Adult
Centropages orsinii HumanObservation Male Adult
Chaetognatha HumanObservation 2080.0
Cirripedia HumanObservation Nauplii 1082.0
Cladocera HumanObservation 1076.0
Clausocalanus arcuicornis HumanObservation
Clausocalanus farrani HumanObservation
Clausocalanus furcatus HumanObservation
Clausocalanus minor HumanObservation
Clausocalanus sp.1 HumanObservation
Clausocalanus sp.2 HumanObservation
Clytemnestra HumanObservation
Copepoda HumanObservation 1984.0 12.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1985.0 1.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1985.0 2.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1985.0 3.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1985.0 4.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1985.0 5.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1985.0 6.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1985.0 7.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1985.0 8.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1985.0 9.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1985.0 10.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1985.0 11.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1985.0 12.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1986.0 1.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1986.0 2.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1986.0 3.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1986.0 4.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1986.0 5.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1986.0 6.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1986.0 7.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1986.0 8.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1986.0 9.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1986.0 10.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1986.0 11.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1986.0 12.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1987.0 1.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1987.0 2.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1987.0 3.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1987.0 4.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1987.0 5.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1987.0 6.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1987.0 7.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1987.0 8.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1987.0 9.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1987.0 10.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1987.0 11.0 1080.0
Copepoda HumanObservation 1080.0
Copilia mirabilis HumanObservation
Copilia quadrata HumanObservation
Corycaeus (C) crassiusculus HumanObservation
Corycaeus (C) speciosus HumanObservation
Corycaeus (D) asiaticus HumanObservation
Corycaeus (D) dubius HumanObservation
Corycaeus (D) subtilis HumanObservation
Corycaeus (O) agilis HumanObservation
Corycaeus (O) pacificus HumanObservation
Corycaeus catus HumanObservation
Cryptoniscidae HumanObservation
Ctenophora HumanObservation 1248.0
Cumacea HumanObservation 1137.0
Cyclopoida HumanObservation 1101.0
Doliolum spp. HumanObservation
Echinodermata HumanObservation Larvae 1806.0
Eucalanus spp. HumanObservation
Euchaeta indica HumanObservation
Euchaeta marina HumanObservation
Euchaeta pubera HumanObservation
Euphausiidae HumanObservation
Euterpina acutifrons HumanObservation
Farranula gibbulus HumanObservation
Gammaridea HumanObservation 1207.0
Gastropoda HumanObservation Veliger 101.0
Halobates HumanObservation
Harpacticella sp. HumanObservation
Harpacticoida HumanObservation 1102.0
Harpacticoida sp. HumanObservation 1102.0
Heteropoda (atlantid) HumanObservation 14776.0
Hydromedusae HumanObservation 1337.0
Hyperiidea HumanObservation 1205.0
Ischnocalanus sp. HumanObservation
Kelleria pectinata HumanObservation
Kelleria sp. HumanObservation
Labidocera acuta HumanObservation
Labidocera kroyeri HumanObservation
Labidocera laevidentata HumanObservation
Labidocera madurae HumanObservation
Labidocera minuta HumanObservation
Labidocera orsinii HumanObservation Female Adult
Labidocera orsinii HumanObservation Male Adult
Larvacea HumanObservation 17440.0
Lubbockia squillimama HumanObservation
Lucicutia flavicornis HumanObservation
Lucifer HumanObservation Juvenile
Macrosetella gracilis HumanObservation
Macrosetella gracilis HumanObservation Adult
Medusae HumanObservation
Microsetella rosea HumanObservation
Microsetella rosea HumanObservation Adult
Mollusca HumanObservation Larvae 51.0
Monstrillidae HumanObservation
Monstrilloida HumanObservation 1106.0
Mysida HumanObservation
Notoplana HumanObservation
Oithona plumifera HumanObservation
Oithona plumifera HumanObservation Adult
Oithona setigera HumanObservation
Oithona simplex HumanObservation
Oithona spp. HumanObservation
Oncaea conifera HumanObservation
Oncaea venusta HumanObservation
Oncaea venusta HumanObservation Adult
Ostracoda HumanObservation 1078.0
Paracalanus aculeatis HumanObservation
Paracalanus crassirostris HumanObservation
Paracalanus indicus HumanObservation
Paracalanus tropicus HumanObservation
Paracandacia bispinosa HumanObservation
Paracandacia simplex HumanObservation
Paracandacia truncata HumanObservation
Paragnathia HumanObservation Larvae
Penaeidae HumanObservation
Penaeidae HumanObservation Mysis
Pisces HumanObservation Eggs 11680.0
Pisces HumanObservation Larvae 11680.0
Pleuromamma indica HumanObservation
Pleuromamma piseki HumanObservation
Poecilostomatoida HumanObservation 1103.0
Polychaeta HumanObservation 883.0
Polychaeta HumanObservation Larvae 883.0
Pontella sp.1 HumanObservation
Pontellina morii HumanObservation
Pontellina plumata HumanObservation
Pontellopsis herdmani HumanObservation
Pontellopsis herdmani HumanObservation Female Adult
Porcellidiidae HumanObservation
Probiscis of Plathyhelminthes HumanObservation 793.0
Pseudodiaptomus stuhlmani HumanObservation
Pseudodiaptomus stuhlmani HumanObservation Female Adult
Pseudodiaptomus stuhlmani HumanObservation Male Adult
Pteropoda HumanObservation
Pycnogonida HumanObservation 1302.0
Rhincalanus cornutus HumanObservation
Sagitta spp. HumanObservation
Sapphirella sp. HumanObservation
Sapphirina auritens HumanObservation
Sapphirina lactens HumanObservation
Sapphirina nigromaculata HumanObservation
Sapphirina opalina HumanObservation
Sapphirina ovatolanceolata HumanObservation
Scolecithrix danae HumanObservation
Scolecithrix danae HumanObservation Female Adult
Sergestidae HumanObservation
Sinhonophora HumanObservation
Temora discaudata HumanObservation
Temora discaudata HumanObservation Female Adult
Temora discaudata HumanObservation Male Adult
Temora stylifera HumanObservation
Temora turbinata HumanObservation
Temora turbinata HumanObservation Female Adult
Temora turbinata HumanObservation Male Adult
Thalia HumanObservation
Tortanus barbatus HumanObservation
Tortanus gracilis HumanObservation
Tortanus gracilis HumanObservation Female Adult
Tortanus gracilis HumanObservation Male Adult
Tortanus sp. HumanObservation
Undinula vulgaris HumanObservation
Undinula vulgaris HumanObservation Female Adult
Undinula vulgaris HumanObservation Male Adult

In total, there are 227 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above. All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.

Related Data Counts ?

To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Related Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)

To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

ERDDAP, Version 2.23
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