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EUROBIS data served via ERDDAP
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Dataset Title: | Cross Sands broadscale survey 1998
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Institution: | CEFAS, MBA (Dataset ID: csbs) |
Information: | Summary ![]() ![]() ![]() |
To view the map, check View : Map of All Related Data above.
WARNING: This may involve lots of data.
For some datasets, this may be slow.
Consider using this only when you need it and
have selected a small subset of the data.
To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.
Distinct Data
(Refine the data subset and/or download the data)
ScientificName | BasisOfRecord | YearCollected | aphia_id |
Not applicable | None | None | Not applicable |
Abietinaria abietina | O | 1998.0 | |
Abra (juv.) | O | 1998.0 | |
Abra alba | O | 1998.0 | |
Abra tenuis | O | 1998.0 | |
Acidostoma obesum | O | 1998.0 | |
Aequipecten opercularis | O | 1998.0 | |
Ampelisca spinipes | O | 1998.0 | |
Amphipholis squamata | O | 1998.0 | |
Anaitides mucosa | O | 1998.0 | |
Anaitides rosea | O | 1998.0 | |
Anoplodactylus petiolatus | O | 1998.0 | |
Aonides paucibranchiata | O | 1998.0 | |
Aora gracilis | O | 1998.0 | |
Aphelochaeta | O | 1998.0 | |
Aspidelectra melolontha | O | 1998.0 | |
Asterias rubens | O | 1998.0 | |
Atelecyclus rotundatus | O | 1998.0 | |
Atylus falcatus | O | 1998.0 | |
Atylus swammerdamei | O | 1998.0 | |
Autolytus | O | 1998.0 | |
Balanus (juv.) | O | 1998.0 | |
Balanus crenatus | O | 1998.0 | |
Bathyporeia elegans | O | 1998.0 | |
Bathyporeia guilliamsoniana | O | 1998.0 | |
Bathyporeia pelagica | O | 1998.0 | |
Bathyporeia tenuipes | O | 1998.0 | |
Bodotria scorpioides | O | 1998.0 | |
CALANOIDA | O | 1998.0 | 1100.0 |
Callianassa subterranea | O | 1998.0 | |
Callipallene brevirostris | O | 1998.0 | |
Caprella linearis | O | 1998.0 | |
Cardiidae (juv.) | O | 1998.0 | 229.0 |
Caulleriella alata | O | 1998.0 | |
Caulleriella zetlandica | O | 1998.0 | |
Cerianthus lloydii | O | 1998.0 | |
Chaetozone setosa | O | 1998.0 | |
Cheirocratus intermedius | O | 1998.0 | |
Cirriformia tentaculata | O | 1998.0 | |
Clymenura | O | 1998.0 | |
Clytia hemisphaerica | O | 1998.0 | |
CNIDARIA | O | 1998.0 | 1267.0 |
Conopeum reticulatum | O | 1998.0 | |
Corophium sextonae | O | 1998.0 | |
Corystes cassivelaunus | O | 1998.0 | |
Crepidula fornicata | O | 1998.0 | |
Crossaster papposus | O | 1998.0 | |
Cuthona | O | 1998.0 | |
DECAPODA | O | 1998.0 | 1130.0 |
Dendrodoa | O | 1998.0 | |
Dendronotus frondosus | O | 1998.0 | |
Doto | O | 1998.0 | |
Dyopedos monacanthus | O | 1998.0 | |
Echinocyamus pusillus | O | 1998.0 | |
Electra monostachys | O | 1998.0 | |
Electra pilosa | O | 1998.0 | |
Ensis arcuatus | O | 1998.0 | |
Eteone longa | O | 1998.0 | |
Eualus occultus | O | 1998.0 | |
Eudendrium | O | 1998.0 | |
Eulalia bilineata | O | 1998.0 | |
Eulalia ornata | O | 1998.0 | |
Eulalia tripunctata | O | 1998.0 | |
Eulalia viridis | O | 1998.0 | |
Eumida bahusiensis | O | 1998.0 | |
Eumida sanguinea | O | 1998.0 | |
Eurydice spinigera | O | 1998.0 | |
Eusyllis blomstrandi | O | 1998.0 | |
Exogone verugera | O | 1998.0 | |
Facelina bostoniensis | O | 1998.0 | |
Flustra foliacea | O | 1998.0 | |
Galathea intermedia | O | 1998.0 | |
Gammaropsis cornuta | O | 1998.0 | |
Gammaropsis maculata | O | 1998.0 | |
GASTROPODA | O | 1998.0 | 101.0 |
Gastrosaccus spinifer | O | 1998.0 | |
Gattyana cirrosa | O | 1998.0 | |
Glycera (juv.) | O | 1998.0 | |
Glycera lapidum | O | 1998.0 | |
Glycera oxycephala | O | 1998.0 | |
Gnathia dentata (?) | O | 1998.0 | |
Golfingia (juv.) | O | 1998.0 | |
Goniada maculata | O | 1998.0 | |
Harmothoe impar | O | 1998.0 | |
Hesionura elongata | O | 1998.0 | |
Hiatella arctica | O | 1998.0 | |
Hydrallmania falcata | O | 1998.0 | |
Hypereteone foliosa | O | 1998.0 | |
Kirchenpaueria similis | O | 1998.0 | |
Lagis koreni | O | 1998.0 | |
Lanice conchilega | O | 1998.0 | |
Laomedea | O | 1998.0 | |
Laonice bahusiensis | O | 1998.0 | |
Lepidonotus squamatus | O | 1998.0 | |
Leptocheirus hirsutimanus | O | 1998.0 | |
Leptochiton asellus | O | 1998.0 | |
Lucinoma borealis | O | 1998.0 | |
Lumbrineris gracilis | O | 1998.0 | |
Lumbrineris latreilli | O | 1998.0 | |
Macropodia rostrata | O | 1998.0 | |
Magelona mirabilis | O | 1998.0 | |
Maldanidae | O | 1998.0 | 923.0 |
Malmgreniella arenicolae | O | 1998.0 | |
Marphysa bellii | O | 1998.0 | |
Molgula manhattensis | O | 1998.0 | |
Mya truncata | O | 1998.0 | |
Mysella bidentata | O | 1998.0 | |
Mytilidae (juv.) | O | 1998.0 | 211.0 |
Neanthes fucata | O | 1998.0 | |
NEMERTEA | O | 1998.0 | |
Nemertesia antennina | O | 1998.0 | |
Nephtys (juv.) | O | 1998.0 | |
Nephtys caeca | O | 1998.0 | |
Nephtys cirrosa | O | 1998.0 | |
Nephtys longosetosa | O | 1998.0 | |
Nereididae (juv.) | O | 1998.0 | 22500.0 |
Nereimyra punctata | O | 1998.0 | |
Nereis longissima | O | 1998.0 | |
Nicolea venustula | O | 1998.0 | |
Notomastus | O | 1998.0 | |
Notomastus latericeus | O | 1998.0 | |
Nucula (juv.) | O | 1998.0 | |
Nucula nucleus | O | 1998.0 | |
Nymphon brevirostre | O | 1998.0 | |
Obelia dichotoma | O | 1998.0 | |
Obelia longissima | O | 1998.0 | |
Ophelia borealis | O | 1998.0 | |
Ophiura (juv.) | O | 1998.0 | |
Ophiura albida | O | 1998.0 | |
Orbinia norvegica | O | 1998.0 | |
Owenia fusiformis | O | 1998.0 | |
Pagurus bernhardus | O | 1998.0 | |
Paraonis fulgens | O | 1998.0 | |
Parapleustes assimilis | O | 1998.0 | |
PELECYPODA | O | 1998.0 | |
Pherusa flabellata | O | 1998.0 | |
Pholoe inornata (sensu petersen) | O | 1998.0 | |
Phoronis | O | 1998.0 | |
Phoxocephalus holbolli | O | 1998.0 | |
Pilumnus hirtellus | O | 1998.0 | |
Pisidia longicornis | O | 1998.0 | |
Pisione remota | O | 1998.0 | |
Poecilochaetus serpens | O | 1998.0 | |
Polinices pulchellus | O | 1998.0 | |
POLYCHAETA | O | 1998.0 | 883.0 |
Polycirrus | O | 1998.0 | |
Polydora caulleryi | O | 1998.0 | |
Polydora ciliata | O | 1998.0 | |
Pomatoceros triqueter | O | 1998.0 | |
PORIFERA | O | 1998.0 | 558.0 |
Proceraea | O | 1998.0 | |
Protodorvillea kefersteini | O | 1998.0 | |
Psamathe fusca | O | 1998.0 | |
Psammechinus miliaris | O | 1998.0 | |
Pseudocuma longicornis | O | 1998.0 | |
Sabella pavonina | O | 1998.0 | |
Sabellaria spinulosa | O | 1998.0 | |
Scalibregma celticum | O | 1998.0 | |
Scalibregma inflatum | O | 1998.0 | |
Schistomeringos neglecta | O | 1998.0 | |
Scoletoma fragilis | O | 1998.0 | |
Scoloplos armiger | O | 1998.0 | |
Sertularia cupressina | O | 1998.0 | |
Spio armata | O | 1998.0 | |
Spio martinensis | O | 1998.0 | |
Spiophanes bombyx | O | 1998.0 | |
Stenothoe marina | O | 1998.0 | |
Stenothoe monoculoides | O | 1998.0 | |
Sthenelais boa | O | 1998.0 | |
TEREBELLIDA | O | 1998.0 | 900.0 |
Terebellidae | O | 1998.0 | 982.0 |
Travisia forbesii | O | 1998.0 | |
Tubularia indivisa | O | 1998.0 | |
TURBELLARIA | O | 1998.0 | 794.0 |
Typosyllis armillaris | O | 1998.0 | |
Unciola crenatipalma | O | 1998.0 | |
Upogebia pusilla | O | 1998.0 | |
Urothoe brevicornis | O | 1998.0 | |
Urothoe elegans | O | 1998.0 | |
Urothoe marina | O | 1998.0 |
In total, there are 179 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above.
All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.
To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.
WARNING: This may involve lots of data.
For some datasets, this may be slow.
Consider using this only when you need it and
have selected a small subset of the data.
Related Data
(Refine the data subset and/or download the data)
To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.
WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.