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Dataset Title:  Ascidiacea distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an
annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m
in the seas bordering Europe
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Institution:  RAS-FEB   (Dataset ID: deepsea_ascidiacea)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Data Access Form | Files | Make a graph

Select a subset:      (Current number of distinct combinations of matching data: 152)
Make as many selections as you want, in any order. Each selection changes the other options (and the map and data below) accordingly.

    ScientificName ?  =  Not applicable   55 options
    BasisOfRecord ?  =  None   1 option: HumanObservation
    YearCollected ?  =  None   11 options
    aphia_id ?  =  Not applicable   1 option:

View:      Map of All Related Data ?      Distinct Data Counts ?     Distinct Data ?      Related Data Counts ?     Related Data ?

Map of All Related Data ?   (Refine the map and/or download the image)

To view the map, check View : Map of All Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Distinct Data Counts ?

To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.


Distinct Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)  

ScientificName BasisOfRecord YearCollected aphia_id
Not applicable None None Not applicable
Abyssascidia millari HumanObservation 1972.0
Abyssascidia millari HumanObservation 1976.0
Abyssascidia millari HumanObservation
Adagnesia charcoti HumanObservation 1872.0
Adagnesia charcoti HumanObservation 1969.0
Adagnesia charcoti HumanObservation 1972.0
Adagnesia charcoti HumanObservation 1976.0
Adagnesia charcoti HumanObservation
Adagnesia rimosa HumanObservation 1972.0
Adagnesia rimosa HumanObservation 1976.0
Adagnesia rimosa HumanObservation
Agnezia atlantica HumanObservation 1872.0
Agnezia atlantica HumanObservation 1972.0
Agnezia atlantica HumanObservation 1976.0
Agnezia atlantica HumanObservation
Agnezia celtica HumanObservation 1969.0
Agnezia celtica HumanObservation 1972.0
Agnezia celtica HumanObservation 1976.0
Agnezia celtica HumanObservation
Anomopera ingolfiana HumanObservation
Aplidium enigmaticum HumanObservation 1969.0
Aplidium enigmaticum HumanObservation
Araneum sigma HumanObservation 1972.0
Araneum sigma HumanObservation 1975.0
Araneum sigma HumanObservation 1976.0
Araneum sigma HumanObservation
Asajirus indicus HumanObservation 1975.0
Asajirus ledanoisi HumanObservation 1972.0
Asajirus ledanoisi HumanObservation 1976.0
Asajirus ledanoisi HumanObservation
Bathyoncus mirabilis HumanObservation 1969.0
Bathyoncus mirabilis HumanObservation 1972.0
Bathyoncus mirabilis HumanObservation
Bathypyura celata HumanObservation 1972.0
Bathypyura celata HumanObservation 1976.0
Bathypyura celata HumanObservation
Bathystyeloides dubius HumanObservation 1976.0
Bathystyeloides dubius HumanObservation
Bathystyeloides enderbyanus HumanObservation 1969.0
Bathystyeloides enderbyanus HumanObservation 1972.0
Bathystyeloides enderbyanus HumanObservation 1976.0
Bathystyeloides enderbyanus HumanObservation
Bathystyeloides laubieri HumanObservation 1972.0
Bathystyeloides laubieri HumanObservation 1976.0
Bathystyeloides laubieri HumanObservation
Bolteniopsis sessilis HumanObservation 1969.0
Bolteniopsis sessilis HumanObservation 1972.0
Bolteniopsis sessilis HumanObservation 1976.0
Bolteniopsis sessilis HumanObservation
Ciona imperfecta HumanObservation 1974.0
Cnemidocarpa bathyphila HumanObservation 1974.0
Cnemidocarpa bathyphila HumanObservation 1976.0
Cnemidocarpa bathyphila HumanObservation
Cnemidocarpa bythia HumanObservation 1969.0
Cnemidocarpa bythia HumanObservation 1972.0
Cnemidocarpa bythia HumanObservation
Cnemidocarpa devia HumanObservation 1972.0
Cnemidocarpa devia HumanObservation
Cnemidocarpa digonas HumanObservation 1972.0
Cnemidocarpa digonas HumanObservation 1976.0
Cnemidocarpa digonas HumanObservation
Cnemidocarpa platybranchia HumanObservation
Corynascidia translucida HumanObservation 1969.0
Corynascidia translucida HumanObservation 1972.0
Corynascidia translucida HumanObservation 1976.0
Corynascidia translucida HumanObservation
Cratostigma simplex HumanObservation 1872.0
Cratostigma simplex HumanObservation
Culeolus suhmi HumanObservation 1969.0
Culeolus suhmi HumanObservation 1972.0
Culeolus suhmi HumanObservation 1976.0
Culeolus suhmi HumanObservation
Dicarpa atlantica HumanObservation 1972.0
Dicarpa atlantica HumanObservation 1976.0
Dicarpa atlantica HumanObservation
Dicarpa simplex HumanObservation
Dicopia antirrhinum HumanObservation 1972.0
Dicopia antirrhinum HumanObservation 1976.0
Dicopia antirrhinum HumanObservation 1984.0
Dicopia antirrhinum HumanObservation
Eugyra borealis HumanObservation 1972.0
Eugyra borealis HumanObservation 1976.0
Eugyra borealis HumanObservation
Hemistyela pilosa HumanObservation 1969.0
Hemistyela pilosa HumanObservation 1976.0
Hemistyela pilosa HumanObservation
Minipera papillosa HumanObservation 1969.0
Minipera papillosa HumanObservation 1972.0
Minipera papillosa HumanObservation 1976.0
Minipera papillosa HumanObservation
Minipera pedunculata HumanObservation 1972.0
Minipera pedunculata HumanObservation 1976.0
Minipera pedunculata HumanObservation
Molgula tethys HumanObservation 1970.0
Molguloides crenatum HumanObservation 1872.0
Molguloides crenatum HumanObservation 1969.0
Molguloides crenatum HumanObservation 1972.0
Molguloides crenatum HumanObservation 1976.0
Molguloides crenatum HumanObservation
Octacnemus ingolfi HumanObservation 1976.0
Octacnemus ingolfi HumanObservation
Octacnemus zarcoi HumanObservation
Oligotrema lyra HumanObservation 1969.0
Oligotrema lyra HumanObservation 1972.0
Oligotrema lyra HumanObservation 1976.0
Oligotrema lyra HumanObservation
Oligotrema sandersi HumanObservation 1969.0
Oligotrema unigonas HumanObservation 1972.0
Oligotrema unigonas HumanObservation
Pareugyrioides chardyi HumanObservation 1972.0
Pareugyrioides chardyi HumanObservation 1976.0
Pareugyrioides chardyi HumanObservation
Polycarpa biscayensis HumanObservation 1972.0
Polycarpa biscayensis HumanObservation
Polycarpa caudata HumanObservation 1970.0
Polycarpa pseudoalbatrossi HumanObservation 1872.0
Polycarpa pseudoalbatrossi HumanObservation 1972.0
Polycarpa pseudoalbatrossi HumanObservation 1976.0
Polycarpa pseudoalbatrossi HumanObservation
Proagnesia depressa HumanObservation 1969.0
Proagnesia depressa HumanObservation 1972.0
Proagnesia depressa HumanObservation 1976.0
Proagnesia depressa HumanObservation
Protomolgula bythia HumanObservation
Protomolgula triangularis HumanObservation
Pseudodiazona abyssa HumanObservation 1972.0
Pseudodiazona abyssa HumanObservation
Situla lanosa HumanObservation 1972.0
Situla lanosa HumanObservation
Styela calva HumanObservation 1872.0
Styela calva HumanObservation 1974.0
Styela calva HumanObservation 1976.0
Styela calva HumanObservation 1984.0
Styela calva HumanObservation
Styela chaini HumanObservation 1972.0
Styela chaini HumanObservation 1976.0
Styela chaini HumanObservation
Styela charcoti HumanObservation 1969.0
Styela charcoti HumanObservation 1972.0
Styela charcoti HumanObservation 1976.0
Styela charcoti HumanObservation 1979.0
Styela charcoti HumanObservation 1987.0
Styela charcoti HumanObservation
Styela crinita HumanObservation 1972.0
Styela crinita HumanObservation 1976.0
Styela crinita HumanObservation
Styela loculosa HumanObservation 1972.0
Styela loculosa HumanObservation 1976.0
Styela loculosa HumanObservation
Styela similis HumanObservation 1972.0
Styela similis HumanObservation
Tantillulum molle HumanObservation

In total, there are 152 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above. All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.

Related Data Counts ?

To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Related Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)

To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

ERDDAP, Version 2.23
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