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Dataset Title:  Polychaeta distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an
annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m
in the seas bordering Europe
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Institution:  RAS-SIO RAS, MSU, NHM   (Dataset ID: deepsea_polychaetes)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Data Access Form | Files | Make a graph

Select a subset:      (Current number of distinct combinations of matching data: 222)
Make as many selections as you want, in any order. Each selection changes the other options (and the map and data below) accordingly.

    ScientificName ?  =  Not applicable   167 options
    BasisOfRecord ?  =  None   1 option: HumanObservation
    YearCollected ?  =  None   16 options
    aphia_id ?  =  Not applicable   1 option:

View:      Map of All Related Data ?      Distinct Data Counts ?     Distinct Data ?      Related Data Counts ?     Related Data ?

Map of All Related Data ?   (Refine the map and/or download the image)

To view the map, check View : Map of All Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Distinct Data Counts ?

To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.


Distinct Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)  

ScientificName BasisOfRecord YearCollected aphia_id
Not applicable None None Not applicable
Admetella longipedata HumanObservation
Aglaophamus elamellata HumanObservation 1980.0
Aglaophamus elamellata HumanObservation
Aglaophamus groenlandiae HumanObservation 1980.0
Aglaophamus groenlandiae HumanObservation 1982.0
Aglaophamus groenlandiae HumanObservation
Aglaophamus malmgreni HumanObservation 1958.0
Aglaophamus malmgreni HumanObservation 1978.0
Aglaophamus malmgreni HumanObservation 1979.0
Ampharete finmarchica HumanObservation
Ampharete villenai HumanObservation
Amphicteis ninonae HumanObservation
Amphicteis wesenbergae HumanObservation
Anchinothria abranchiata HumanObservation
Anobothrus laubieri HumanObservation 1958.0
Anobothrus laubieri HumanObservation 1975.0
Anobothrus laubieri HumanObservation 1979.0
Anobothrus laubieri HumanObservation
Anobothrus patersoni HumanObservation 1979.0
Aphelochaeta marioni HumanObservation 1982.0
Aphrodita aculeata HumanObservation
Aphroditella hastata HumanObservation 1982.0
Apomatus similis HumanObservation 1980.0
Apomatus similis HumanObservation
Aricidea abranchiata HumanObservation 2003.0
Aricidea tetrabranchia HumanObservation
Augeneria albidentata HumanObservation
Aurospio dibranchiata HumanObservation
Bathyedithia tuberculata HumanObservation
Bathyeliasona abyssicola HumanObservation
Bathyfauvelia affinis HumanObservation 1977.0
Bathyfauvelia affinis HumanObservation 1979.0
Bathyfauvelia affinis HumanObservation 1982.0
Bathymiranda microcephala HumanObservation 1977.0
Bathypolaria carinata HumanObservation 1977.0
Bathyvermilia langerhansi HumanObservation
Braniella palpata HumanObservation
Bushiella granulatus HumanObservation
Buskiella minuta HumanObservation
Bylgides pomamme HumanObservation
Bylgides sarsi HumanObservation 1955.0
Capitella capitata HumanObservation
Ceratonereis anoculata HumanObservation
Ceratonereis versipedata HumanObservation 1980.0
Chaetozone setosa HumanObservation 1979.0
Chaetozone setosa HumanObservation 1982.0
Chone infundibuliformis HumanObservation
Cirrophorus abranchiatus HumanObservation
Clavodorum fauchaldi HumanObservation
Clymenura borealis HumanObservation 1980.0
Ephesiella abyssorum HumanObservation 1982.0
Eulalia lapsus HumanObservation
Eunice collini HumanObservation
Eunoe hubrechti HumanObservation
Eunoe laetmogonensis HumanObservation
Euphrosine cirrata HumanObservation
Euphrosine cirrataepropinqua HumanObservation
Eupistella darwini HumanObservation 1982.0
Fauveliopsis brevis HumanObservation
Fauveliopsis olgae HumanObservation
Fauveliopsis scabra HumanObservation 1982.0
Fauveliopsis scabra HumanObservation
Filogranula stellata HumanObservation 1996.0
Flabelligella papillata HumanObservation 1982.0
Galathowenia fragilis HumanObservation 2003.0
Galathowenia fragilis HumanObservation
Galathowenia oculata HumanObservation 1958.0
Galathowenia oculata HumanObservation 1978.0
Gesaia elegans HumanObservation
Glycera capitata HumanObservation 1982.0
Glycera capitata HumanObservation
Glycera lapidum HumanObservation 1996.0
Glycera lapidum HumanObservation
Glycera tesselata HumanObservation 1980.0
Glycera unicornis HumanObservation
Glycinde profunda HumanObservation
Goniada maculata HumanObservation
Harmothoe evei HumanObservation 1980.0
Harmothoe globifera HumanObservation
Harmothoe imbricata HumanObservation
Harmothoe johnstoni HumanObservation
Heterospio longissima HumanObservation 1980.0
Heterospio reducta HumanObservation 1972.0
Hipponoe gaudichaudi HumanObservation
Hyalinoecia robusta HumanObservation 1977.0
Hyalinoecia tubicola HumanObservation
Hyalopomatus claparedii HumanObservation
Hyalopomus marenzelleri HumanObservation
Hydroides norvegicus HumanObservation
Jasmineira schaudinni HumanObservation 1958.0
Jasmineira schaudinni HumanObservation
Kesun abyssorum HumanObservation 1982.0
Kesun gravieri HumanObservation 1982.0
Labioleanira yhleni HumanObservation
Lacydonia laureci HumanObservation 1972.0
Laetmonice filicornis HumanObservation 1965.0
Laetmonice filicornis HumanObservation 1982.0
Laetmonice filicornis HumanObservation
Lagisca peracuta HumanObservation
Laonice blackei HumanObservation 1958.0
Leanira abyssicola HumanObservation
Leanira hystricis HumanObservation 1980.0
Leanira hystricis HumanObservation 1982.0
Leanira hystricis HumanObservation
Leitoscoloplos fragilis HumanObservation
Leocrates atlanticus HumanObservation
Leptoecia abyssorum HumanObservation 1982.0
Levinsenia uncinata HumanObservation
Linopherus paucibranchiata HumanObservation 1982.0
Lumbrineris pseudofragilis HumanObservation
Macellicephala laubieri HumanObservation 1971.0
Macellicephala longipalpa HumanObservation 1977.0
Macellicephala longipalpa HumanObservation
Macellicephala violacea HumanObservation 1982.0
Maldane malmgreni HumanObservation 1872.0
Maldanella davisi HumanObservation 1982.0
Maldanella davisi HumanObservation
Maldanella harai HumanObservation 1980.0
Maldanella harai HumanObservation
Melinnopsis abyssalis HumanObservation
Melinnopsis rostrata HumanObservation
Minuspio cirrifera HumanObservation 1980.0
Minuspio cirrifera HumanObservation
Myriochele heeri HumanObservation 1958.0
Myriochele heeri HumanObservation 1978.0
Myriochele heeri HumanObservation 1982.0
Myriochele heeri HumanObservation 2003.0
Myriochele heeri HumanObservation
Mystides bathysiphonicola HumanObservation
Naiades cantrainii HumanObservation
Neanthes kerguelenensis HumanObservation
Neoleanira tetragona HumanObservation 1982.0
Neoleanira tetragona HumanObservation
Nephtys paradoxa HumanObservation 1982.0
Nephtys paradoxa HumanObservation
Nereimyra punctata HumanObservation
Nereis gracilis HumanObservation 1958.0
Nereis gracilis HumanObservation 1978.0
Nereis gracilis HumanObservation
Noanelia hartmanae HumanObservation 1982.0
Noanelia hartmanae HumanObservation
Northia conchylega HumanObservation
Nothria atlantica HumanObservation 1965.0
Nothria solenotecton HumanObservation 1982.0
Notomastus latericeus HumanObservation 1980.0
Notomastus latericeus HumanObservation 1982.0
Notomastus latericeus HumanObservation
Notoproctus oculatus HumanObservation 1982.0
Ophelina abranchiata HumanObservation 1982.0
Ophelina abranchiata HumanObservation
Ophelina aulogastrella HumanObservation 1980.0
Ophelina basicirra HumanObservation
Ophelina bowitzi HumanObservation
Ophelina cylindricaudata HumanObservation 1979.0
Ophelina cylindricaudata HumanObservation
Ophelina helgolandica HumanObservation
Owenia?fusiformis HumanObservation 1980.0
Paradiopatra ehlersi HumanObservation
Paradiopatra hartmanae HumanObservation 1980.0
Paradiopatra hartmanae HumanObservation
Paradiopatra quadricuspis HumanObservation
Paranaitis wahlbergi HumanObservation
Paraninoe brevipes HumanObservation 1982.0
Pelagobia longicirrata HumanObservation 1955.0
Phylo kupfferi HumanObservation
Pista mirabilis HumanObservation 1982.0
Pista mirabilis HumanObservation
Placostegus tridentatus HumanObservation 1977.0
Poecilochaetus fulgoris HumanObservation 1982.0
Polaruschakov polaris HumanObservation
Polynoe acanellae HumanObservation 1982.0
Pomatoceros triqueter HumanObservation
Potamethus malmgreni HumanObservation
Potamethus spathiferus HumanObservation
Potamilla neglecta HumanObservation
Praxillura longissima HumanObservation
Progoniada regularis HumanObservation
Protis arctica HumanObservation 1876.0
Protis arctica HumanObservation 1979.0
Protis arctica HumanObservation 1996.0
Protis arctica HumanObservation
Protomystides bidentata HumanObservation
Pseudoscalibregma aciculata HumanObservation 1980.0
Pseudoscalibregma aciculata HumanObservation
Pseudoscalibregma parvum HumanObservation 1982.0
Rhamphobrachium agassizi HumanObservation 1982.0
Rhamphobrachium agassizi HumanObservation
Samythella elongata HumanObservation 1982.0
Scoletoma fragilis HumanObservation 1980.0
Scoletoma fragilis HumanObservation
Scoletoma impatiens HumanObservation 1980.0
Scoloplos (Leodamas) marginatus HumanObservation
Serpula vermicularis HumanObservation
Sigambra magnuncus HumanObservation
Sigambra tentaculata HumanObservation 1980.0
Sigambra tentaculata HumanObservation
Sinantenna macrophthalma HumanObservation
Sosane bathyalis HumanObservation 2003.0
Sphaerodoropsis chardyi HumanObservation
Sphaerodoropsis laureci HumanObservation
Sphaerodoropsis longipapillata HumanObservation
Sphaerodoropsis parva HumanObservation
Spiochaetopterus typicus HumanObservation 1958.0
Spiochaetopterus typicus HumanObservation 1978.0
Spiochaetopterus typicus HumanObservation
Spiophanes kroeyeri HumanObservation
Sternaspis scutata HumanObservation 1982.0
Syllis abyssicola HumanObservation
Tachytrypane jeffreysii HumanObservation 1980.0
Tachytrypane jeffreysii HumanObservation
Tanseimaruana vestis HumanObservation
Terebellides gracilis HumanObservation 1958.0
Terebellides lobatus HumanObservation 1980.0
Terebellides stroemi HumanObservation 1958.0
Terebellides stroemi HumanObservation 1979.0
Terebellides stroemi HumanObservation 1982.0
Terebellides stroemi HumanObservation 2003.0
Terebellides stroemi HumanObservation
Tharyx annulosus HumanObservation 1980.0
Typosyllis prolifera HumanObservation
Uschakovius enigmaticus HumanObservation 1972.0
Ymerana pteropoda HumanObservation

In total, there are 222 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above. All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.

Related Data Counts ?

To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Related Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)

To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

ERDDAP, Version 2.23
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