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EUROBIS data served via ERDDAP
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Dataset Title: | Macroalgal communities of intertidal rock pools in Portugal
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Institution: | CIMAR (Dataset ID: largenet_ca) |
Information: | Summary ![]() ![]() ![]() |
To view the map, check View : Map of All Related Data above.
WARNING: This may involve lots of data.
For some datasets, this may be slow.
Consider using this only when you need it and
have selected a small subset of the data.
To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.
Distinct Data
(Refine the data subset and/or download the data)
ScientificName | BasisOfRecord | YearCollected | aphia_id |
Not applicable | None | None | Not applicable |
Acrosorium venulosum | O | 2003.0 | |
Ahnfeltia plicata | O | 2003.0 | |
Ahnfeltiopsis devoniensis | O | 2003.0 | |
Ascophyllum nodosum | O | 2003.0 | |
Bachelotia antillarum | O | 2003.0 | |
Bifurcaria bifurcata | O | 2003.0 | |
Blidingia minima | O | 2003.0 | |
Boergeseniella thuyoides | O | 2003.0 | |
Bornetia secundiflora | O | 2003.0 | |
Calliblepharis jubata | O | 2003.0 | |
Callithamnion tetragonum | O | 2003.0 | |
Callithamnion tetricum | O | 2003.0 | |
Caulacanthus ustulatus | O | 2003.0 | |
Ceramium botryocarpum | O | 2003.0 | |
Ceramium echionotum | O | 2003.0 | |
Ceramium flaccidum | O | 2003.0 | |
Ceramium gaditanum | O | 2003.0 | |
Ceramium pallidum | O | 2003.0 | |
Ceramium secundatum | O | 2003.0 | |
Ceramium strictum | O | 2003.0 | |
Chaetomorpha linum | O | 2003.0 | |
Chondracanthus acicularis | O | 2003.0 | |
Chondracanthus teedei | O | 2003.0 | |
Chondria coerulescens | O | 2003.0 | |
Chondria scintillans | O | 2003.0 | |
Chondrus crispus | O | 2003.0 | |
Chthamalus | O | 2003.0 | |
Cladophora Glomeratae albida | O | 2003.0 | |
Cladophora hutchinsiae | O | 2003.0 | |
Cladophora laetevirens | O | 2003.0 | |
Cladophora Rupestres rupestris | O | 2003.0 | |
Cladostephus spongiosus | O | 2003.0 | |
Codium tomentosum | O | 2003.0 | |
Corallina elongata | O | 2003.0 | |
Corallina officinalis | O | 2003.0 | |
Cryptopleura ramosa | O | 2003.0 | |
Cystoseira baccata | O | 2003.0 | |
Cystoseira nodicaulis | O | 2003.0 | |
Cystoseira tamariscifolia | O | 2003.0 | |
Dictyopteris polypodioides | O | 2003.0 | |
Dictyota dichotoma | O | 2003.0 | |
Dumontia contorta | O | 2003.0 | |
Ectocarpus fasciculatus | O | 2003.0 | |
Ectocarpus siliculosus | O | 2003.0 | |
Elachista flaccida | O | 2003.0 | |
Erythroglossum laciniatum | O | 2003.0 | |
Erythroglossum lusitanicum | O | 2003.0 | |
Erythrotrichia carnea | O | 2003.0 | |
Fucus serratus | O | 2003.0 | |
Fucus spiralis | O | 2003.0 | |
Fucus vesiculosus | O | 2003.0 | |
Gastroclonium ovatum | O | 2003.0 | |
Gelidium crinale | O | 2003.0 | |
Gelidium pulchellum | O | 2003.0 | |
Gelidium pusillum | O | 2003.0 | |
Gelidium sesquipedale | O | 2003.0 | |
Gelidium spinosum | O | 2003.0 | |
Gigartina pistillata | O | 2003.0 | |
Gracilaria gracilis | O | 2003.0 | |
Grateloupia filicina | O | 2003.0 | |
Gymnogongrus crenulatus | O | 2003.0 | |
Gymnogongrus griffithsiae | O | 2003.0 | |
Haliptilon squamatum | O | 2003.0 | |
Halurus equisetifolius | O | 2003.0 | |
Heterosiphonia plumosa | O | 2003.0 | |
Hildenbrandia rubra | O | 2003.0 | |
Himanthalia elongata | O | 2003.0 | |
Hincksia granulosa | O | 2003.0 | |
Hypnea musciformis | O | 2003.0 | |
Hypoglossum hypoglossoides | O | 2003.0 | |
Jania longifurca | O | 2003.0 | |
Laminaria hyperborea | O | 2003.0 | |
Laminaria ochroleuca | O | 2003.0 | |
Laurencia pyramidalis | O | 2003.0 | |
Leathesia difformis | O | 2003.0 | |
Leptosiphonia schousboei | O | 2003.0 | |
Lithophyllum incrustans | O | 2003.0 | |
Lomentaria articulata | O | 2003.0 | |
Mastocarpus stellatus | O | 2003.0 | |
Melobesia membranacea | O | 2003.0 | |
Monostroma obscurum | O | 2003.0 | |
Mytilus | O | 2003.0 | |
Ophidocladus simpliciusculus | O | 2003.0 | |
Osmundea pinnatifida | O | 2003.0 | |
Palmaria palmata | O | 2003.0 | |
Patella | O | 2003.0 | |
Petrocelis cruenta | O | 2003.0 | |
Pleonosporium borreri | O | 2003.0 | |
Plocamium cartilagineum | O | 2003.0 | |
Polysiphonia fucoides | O | 2003.0 | |
Polysiphonia lanosa | O | 2003.0 | |
Polysiphonia polyspora | O | 2003.0 | |
Polysiphonia stricta | O | 2003.0 | |
Porphyra dioica | O | 2003.0 | |
Porphyra leucosticta | O | 2003.0 | |
Porphyra umbilicalis | O | 2003.0 | |
Porphyrostromium boryanum | O | 2003.0 | |
Pterocladiella capillacea | O | 2003.0 | |
Pterosiphonia ardreana | O | 2003.0 | |
Pterosiphonia complanata | O | 2003.0 | |
Pterosiphonia pennata | O | 2003.0 | |
Rhizoclonium tortuosum | O | 2003.0 | |
Rhodothamniella floridula | O | 2003.0 | |
Saccorhiza polyschides | O | 2003.0 | |
Sargassum (Bactrophycus) Teretia muticum | O | 2003.0 | |
Scinaia furcellata | O | 2003.0 | |
Streblocladia collabens | O | 2003.0 | |
Stypocaulon scoparium | O | 2003.0 | |
Ulva | O | 2003.0 |
In total, there are 109 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above.
All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.
To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.
WARNING: This may involve lots of data.
For some datasets, this may be slow.
Consider using this only when you need it and
have selected a small subset of the data.
Related Data
(Refine the data subset and/or download the data)
To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.
WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.