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Dataset Title:  Cefas01 - Structure of sublittoral nematode assemblages around the UK coast Subscribe RSS
Institution:  CEFAS, MBA   (Dataset ID: manuela_c1)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Data Access Form | Files | Make a graph

Select a subset:      (Current number of distinct combinations of matching data: 381)
Make as many selections as you want, in any order. Each selection changes the other options (and the map and data below) accordingly.

    ScientificName ?  =  Not applicable   246 options
    BasisOfRecord ?  =  None   1 option: O
    YearCollected ?  =  None   3 options
    MonthCollected ?  =  None   1 option: 5.0
    aphia_id ?  =  Not applicable   35 options

View:      Map of All Related Data ?      Distinct Data Counts ?     Distinct Data ?      Related Data Counts ?     Related Data ?

Map of All Related Data ?   (Refine the map and/or download the image)

To view the map, check View : Map of All Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Distinct Data Counts ?

To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.


Distinct Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)  

ScientificName BasisOfRecord YearCollected MonthCollected aphia_id
Not applicable None None None Not applicable
Acrenhydrosoma perplexum O 1997.0 5.0
Aegialoalaimus O 1997.0 5.0 2380.0
Aegialoalaimus O 1998.0 5.0 2380.0
Aegialoalaimus O 1999.0 5.0 2380.0
Aigondiceps bocki O 1997.0 5.0
Alaimella O 1999.0 5.0 2400.0
Alteutha interrupta O 1997.0 5.0
Ameira parvula O 1997.0 5.0
Amenophia O 1999.0 5.0
Amphiascoides dispar O 1997.0 5.0
Amphiascus tenuiremis O 1997.0 5.0
Ancorabolus mirabilis O 1997.0 5.0
Anticoma O 1997.0 5.0 2500.0
Anticoma O 1998.0 5.0 2500.0
Anticoma O 1999.0 5.0 2500.0
Aponema torosa O 1997.0 5.0
Aponema torosa O 1998.0 5.0
Aponema torosa O 1999.0 5.0
Araeolaimus O 1997.0 5.0 2436.0
Ascolaimus O 1997.0 5.0 2416.0
Ascolaimus elongatus O 1998.0 5.0
Ascolaimus elongatus O 1999.0 5.0
Asellopsis intermedia O 1999.0 5.0
Atrochromadora O 1997.0 5.0 2276.0
Axonolaimus helgolandicus O 1998.0 5.0
Axonolaimus helgolandicus O 1999.0 5.0
Axonolaimus orcombensis O 1997.0 5.0
Axonolaimus paraspinosus O 1997.0 5.0
Axonolaimus spinosus O 1997.0 5.0
Axonolaimus spinosus O 1998.0 5.0
Axonolaimus spinosus O 1999.0 5.0
Bathylaimus O 1997.0 5.0 2586.0
Belbolla O 1997.0 5.0 2556.0
Belbolla O 1998.0 5.0 2556.0
Belbolla O 1999.0 5.0 2556.0
Bolbolaimus teutonicus O 1997.0 5.0
Bolbolaimus teutonicus O 1999.0 5.0
Bradya (Bradya) O 1997.0 5.0
Bulbamphiascus imus O 1997.0 5.0
Camacolaimus O 1997.0 5.0 2392.0
Camacolaimus O 1998.0 5.0 2392.0
Camacolaimus O 1999.0 5.0 2392.0
Campylaimus O 1997.0 5.0 2436.0
Campylaimus lefeverei O 1998.0 5.0
Campylaimus lefeverei O 1999.0 5.0
Canuella perplexa O 1997.0 5.0
Canuella perplexa O 1999.0 5.0
Ceramonema O 1997.0 5.0 2384.0
Cervinia bradyi O 1997.0 5.0
Chaetonema O 1997.0 5.0 2500.0
Chaetonema O 1999.0 5.0 2500.0
Choniolaimus panicus O 1997.0 5.0
Choniolaimus papillatus O 1997.0 5.0
Chromadora macrolaima O 1998.0 5.0
Chromadora nudicapitata O 1999.0 5.0
Chromadorella duopapillata O 1999.0 5.0
Chromadorella filiformis O 1998.0 5.0
Chromadorella filiformis O 1999.0 5.0
Chromadorita nana O 1997.0 5.0
Chromadorita tentabunda O 1998.0 5.0
Chromadorita tentabunda O 1999.0 5.0
Chromadorita tenuis O 1998.0 5.0
Chromadorita tenuis O 1999.0 5.0
Chromaspirina O 1997.0 5.0 2344.0
Chromaspirina O 1999.0 5.0 2344.0
Chromaspirina inglisi O 1998.0 5.0
Chromaspirina parapontica O 1997.0 5.0
Cletodes limicola O 1997.0 5.0
Cletodes longicaudatus O 1997.0 5.0
Cletodes reductus O 1997.0 5.0
Cletodes smirnovi O 1997.0 5.0
Cletodes tenuipes O 1997.0 5.0
Cletodes tenuipes O 1999.0 5.0
Cobbia trefusiaeformis O 1997.0 5.0
Comesa cuanensis O 1999.0 5.0
Comesa interrupta O 1997.0 5.0
Comesa vitia O 1998.0 5.0
Comesa vitia O 1999.0 5.0
Comesa votadinii O 1997.0 5.0
Comesa warwicki O 1997.0 5.0
Cricolaimus O 1999.0 5.0 2400.0
Cyartonema O 1997.0 5.0 2382.0
Cyartonema germanicum O 1999.0 5.0
Cyatholaimus O 1997.0 5.0 2308.0
Dactylopusia O 1997.0 5.0
Danielssenia typica O 1997.0 5.0
Danielsseniidae O 1997.0 5.0
Daptonema albigensis O 1999.0 5.0
Daptonema biggi O 1997.0 5.0
Daptonema furcatum O 1997.0 5.0
Daptonema furcatum O 1998.0 5.0
Daptonema furcatum O 1999.0 5.0
Daptonema hirsutum O 1997.0 5.0
Daptonema hirsutum O 1998.0 5.0
Daptonema hirsutum O 1999.0 5.0
Daptonema normandicum O 1997.0 5.0
Daptonema normandicum O 1998.0 5.0
Daptonema normandicum O 1999.0 5.0
Daptonema psammoides O 1997.0 5.0
Daptonema tenuispiculum O 1997.0 5.0
Daptonema tenuispiculum O 1998.0 5.0
Daptonema tenuispiculum O 1999.0 5.0
Daptonema vicinum O 1997.0 5.0
Dasynemoides O 1997.0 5.0 2388.0
Desmodora pontica O 1997.0 5.0
Desmodora pontica O 1999.0 5.0
Desmodora tenuispiculum O 1997.0 5.0
Desmolaimus zeelandicus O 1999.0 5.0
Desmoscolex O 1997.0 5.0 2368.0
Desmoscolex O 1998.0 5.0 2368.0
Desmoscolex O 1999.0 5.0 2368.0
Dichromadora O 1999.0 5.0 2296.0
Dichromadora cephalata O 1997.0 5.0
Diplolaimella O 1997.0 5.0 2444.0
Diplopeltidae O 1997.0 5.0 2188.0
Diplopeltula asetosa O 1997.0 5.0
Diplopeltula asetosa O 1998.0 5.0
Diplopeltula incisa O 1997.0 5.0
Disconema O 1997.0 5.0 2488.0
Disconema O 1998.0 5.0 2488.0
Disconema O 1999.0 5.0 2488.0
Dolicholaimus O 1997.0 5.0 2524.0
Dolicholaimus O 1998.0 5.0 2524.0
Dolicholaimus O 1999.0 5.0 2524.0
Dorylaimopsis punctata O 1997.0 5.0
Ectinosoma O 1997.0 5.0
Eleutherolaimus stenosoma O 1997.0 5.0
Eleutherolaimus stenosoma O 1998.0 5.0
Eleutherolaimus stenosoma O 1999.0 5.0
Enhydrosoma curticauda O 1997.0 5.0
Enhydrosoma curticauda O 1999.0 5.0
Enhydrosoma curvirostre O 1997.0 5.0
Enhydrosoma propinquum O 1997.0 5.0
Enhydrosoma propinquum O 1999.0 5.0
Enhydrosoma sarsi O 1997.0 5.0
Enhydrosoma sarsi O 1999.0 5.0
Eumorpholaimus O 1997.0 5.0 2480.0
Eumorpholaimus sabulicolus O 1999.0 5.0
Filitonchus O 1997.0 5.0
Filitonchus O 1999.0 5.0
Fladenia robusta O 1997.0 5.0
Fultonia hirsuta O 1997.0 5.0
Gnomoxyala O 1997.0 5.0
Gonionchus O 1997.0 5.0 2460.0
Halalaimus capitulatus O 1997.0 5.0
Halalaimus gracilis O 1997.0 5.0
Halalaimus gracilis O 1999.0 5.0
Halalaimus longicaudatus O 1997.0 5.0
Halalaimus longicaudatus O 1998.0 5.0
Halalaimus longicaudatus O 1999.0 5.0
Halectinosoma O 1997.0 5.0
Halectinosoma O 1998.0 5.0
Halectinosoma O 1999.0 5.0
Halichoanolaimus dolichurus O 1997.0 5.0
Haloschizopera bulbifera O 1997.0 5.0
Haloschizopera conspicua O 1997.0 5.0
Haloschizopera pygmaea O 1997.0 5.0
Haloschizopera pygmaea O 1999.0 5.0
Heteropsyllus curticaudatus O 1997.0 5.0
Heteropsyllus curticaudatus O 1999.0 5.0
Idyella major O 1997.0 5.0
Laimella longicauda O 1997.0 5.0
Laimella longicauda O 1998.0 5.0
Laimella longicauda O 1999.0 5.0
Laophonte longicaudata O 1997.0 5.0
Laophontopsis borealis O 1997.0 5.0
Leptolaimus elegans O 1997.0 5.0
Leptolaimus elegans O 1998.0 5.0
Leptolaimus elegans O 1999.0 5.0
Leptolaimus limicolus O 1997.0 5.0
Leptolaimus limicolus O 1998.0 5.0
Leptolaimus limicolus O 1999.0 5.0
Leptonemella aphanothecae O 1999.0 5.0
Linhomoeus hirsutus O 1998.0 5.0
Linhomoeus hirsutus O 1999.0 5.0
Longipedia coronata O 1997.0 5.0
Longipedia helgolandica O 1997.0 5.0
Longipedia helgolandica O 1999.0 5.0
Longipedia scotti O 1997.0 5.0
Longipedia scotti O 1999.0 5.0
Marylynnia complexa O 1997.0 5.0
Marylynnia complexa O 1998.0 5.0
Marylynnia complexa O 1999.0 5.0
Mesacanthion diplechma O 1997.0 5.0
Mesacanthion diplechma O 1998.0 5.0
Mesacanthion diplechma O 1999.0 5.0
Mesochra pygmaea O 1997.0 5.0
Metachromadora scotlandica O 1999.0 5.0
Metachromadora vivipara O 1999.0 5.0
Metadesmolaimus aduncus O 1999.0 5.0
Metadesmolaimus pandus O 1999.0 5.0
Metalinhomoeus O 1998.0 5.0 2476.0
Metalinhomoeus O 1999.0 5.0 2476.0
Metalinhomoeus filiformis O 1997.0 5.0
Metalinhomoeus filiformis O 1998.0 5.0
Metalinhomoeus filiformis O 1999.0 5.0
Metalinhomoeus longiseta O 1997.0 5.0
Metalinhomoeus longiseta O 1998.0 5.0
Metalinhomoeus typicus O 1997.0 5.0
Metalinhomoeus typicus O 1998.0 5.0
Microarthridion littorale O 1997.0 5.0
Microlaimus ostracion O 1999.0 5.0
Microlaimus turgofrons O 1997.0 5.0
Microlaimus turgofrons O 1998.0 5.0
Microlaimus turgofrons O 1999.0 5.0
Microlaimus zosterae O 1997.0 5.0
Microlaimus zosterae O 1998.0 5.0
Microlaimus zosterae O 1999.0 5.0
Microsetella norvegica O 1997.0 5.0
Molgolaimus cuanensis O 1998.0 5.0
Molgolaimus demani O 1997.0 5.0
Molgolaimus demani O 1998.0 5.0
Molgolaimus demani O 1999.0 5.0
Monhystera O 1997.0 5.0 2448.0
Morlaixia obscura O 1997.0 5.0
Nannolaimus O 1997.0 5.0 2316.0
Nannopus palustris O 1997.0 5.0
Nemanema cylindraticaudatum O 1997.0 5.0
Neochromadora poecilosoma O 1999.0 5.0
Neochromadora poecilosomoides O 1997.0 5.0
Neochromadora trichophora O 1998.0 5.0
Neochromadora trichophora O 1999.0 5.0
Neotonchus boucheri O 1997.0 5.0
Neotonchus meeki O 1997.0 5.0
Normanella dubia O 1999.0 5.0
Normanella minuta O 1997.0 5.0
Normanella mucronata O 1997.0 5.0
Nudora O 1999.0 5.0 2368.0
Odontophora exharena O 1998.0 5.0
Odontophora exharena O 1999.0 5.0
Odontophora setosa O 1997.0 5.0
Odontophora villoti O 1997.0 5.0
Odontophora villoti O 1998.0 5.0
Odontophora villoti O 1999.0 5.0
Odontophora wieseri O 1997.0 5.0
Odontophoroides paramonhystera O 1998.0 5.0
Odontophoroides paramonhystera O 1999.0 5.0
Onchium O 1999.0 5.0 2396.0
Oncholaimus brachycercus O 1997.0 5.0
Oxystomina O 1997.0 5.0 2552.0
Oxystomina elongata O 1997.0 5.0
Oxystomina elongata O 1998.0 5.0
Oxystomina elongata O 1999.0 5.0
Paracanthonchus caecus O 1998.0 5.0
Paracanthonchus longicaudatus O 1997.0 5.0
Paralinhomoeus conicaudatus O 1997.0 5.0
Paralinhomoeus conicaudatus O 1999.0 5.0
Paralinhomoeus lepturus O 1997.0 5.0
Paralinhomoeus uniovarium O 1997.0 5.0
Paralinhomoeus uniovarium O 1999.0 5.0
Paralongicyatholaimus minutus O 1999.0 5.0
Paramonhystera O 1997.0 5.0
Paramonhystera O 1998.0 5.0
Paramonhystera O 1999.0 5.0
Paramphiascella O 1997.0 5.0
Paramphiascella intermedia O 1997.0 5.0
Parasphaerolaimus O 1997.0 5.0 2448.0
Parathalestris intermedia O 1997.0 5.0
Pareurystomina scilloniensis O 1999.0 5.0
Paroxystomina asymmetrica O 1997.0 5.0
Pomponema multipapillatum O 1997.0 5.0
Pomponema multipapillatum O 1999.0 5.0
Pomponema sedecima O 1998.0 5.0
Pomponema sedecima O 1999.0 5.0
Praeacanthonchus opheliae O 1998.0 5.0
Proameira echinipes O 1997.0 5.0
Proameira signata O 1997.0 5.0
Proameira signata O 1998.0 5.0
Proameira signata O 1999.0 5.0
Proameira simplex O 1997.0 5.0
Prochromadorella ditlevseni O 1997.0 5.0
Prochromadorella ditlevseni O 1998.0 5.0
Prochromadorella ditlevseni O 1999.0 5.0
Prochromadorella macroocellata O 1997.0 5.0
Prochromadorella septempapillata O 1997.0 5.0
Prochromadorella septempapillata O 1998.0 5.0
Prochromadorella septempapillata O 1999.0 5.0
Psammis longisetosa O 1997.0 5.0
Pseudameira crassicornis O 1997.0 5.0
Pseudameira crassicornis O 1998.0 5.0
Pseudameira crassicornis O 1999.0 5.0
Pseudameira mixta O 1997.0 5.0
Pseudobradya O 1997.0 5.0
Pseudobradya O 1998.0 5.0
Pseudobradya O 1999.0 5.0
Pseudonchus O 1997.0 5.0 2344.0
Ptycholaimellus ponticus O 1999.0 5.0
Rhabdocoma O 1997.0 5.0 2592.0
Rhabdocoma riemanni O 1998.0 5.0
Rhabdocoma riemanni O 1999.0 5.0
Rhabdodemania major O 1997.0 5.0
Rhabdodemania minor O 1999.0 5.0
Rhips O 1997.0 5.0 2290.0
Rhizothrix curvata O 1997.0 5.0
Rhizothrix curvata O 1999.0 5.0
Rhynchonema O 1999.0 5.0 2464.0
Richtersia inaequalis O 1997.0 5.0
Richtersia inaequalis O 1998.0 5.0
Richtersia inaequalis O 1999.0 5.0
Robertgurneya rostrata O 1997.0 5.0
Sabatieria celtica O 1998.0 5.0
Sabatieria celtica O 1999.0 5.0
Sabatieria elongata O 1997.0 5.0
Sabatieria elongata O 1998.0 5.0
Sabatieria elongata O 1999.0 5.0
Sabatieria longispinosa O 1998.0 5.0
Sabatieria longispinosa O 1999.0 5.0
Sabatieria ornata O 1997.0 5.0
Sabatieria praedatrix O 1997.0 5.0
Sabatieria punctata O 1997.0 5.0
Sabatieria punctata O 1998.0 5.0
Sabatieria punctata O 1999.0 5.0
Sarsameira parva O 1997.0 5.0
Sarsameira sarsi O 1997.0 5.0
Setosabatieria hilarula O 1997.0 5.0
Setosabatieria hilarula O 1999.0 5.0
Sigmophoranema O 1997.0 5.0 2348.0
Siphonolaimus niger O 1997.0 5.0
Siphonolaimus niger O 1999.0 5.0
Southernia O 1997.0 5.0
Southerniella O 1997.0 5.0 2444.0
Sphaerolaimus balticus O 1997.0 5.0
Sphaerolaimus balticus O 1999.0 5.0
Sphaerolaimus gracilis O 1997.0 5.0
Sphaerolaimus gracilis O 1998.0 5.0
Sphaerolaimus gracilis O 1999.0 5.0
Sphaerolaimus islandicus O 1997.0 5.0
Sphaerolaimus macrocirculus O 1997.0 5.0
Sphaerolaimus macrocirculus O 1998.0 5.0
Sphaerolaimus macrocirculus O 1999.0 5.0
Spiliphera gracilicauda O 1999.0 5.0
Spilophorella candida O 1997.0 5.0
Spilophorella paradoxa O 1999.0 5.0
Spirinia gerlachi O 1997.0 5.0
Spirinia laevis O 1997.0 5.0
Spirinia parasitifera O 1997.0 5.0
Spirinia parasitifera O 1998.0 5.0
Spirinia parasitifera O 1999.0 5.0
Stenhelia (Delavalia) bocqueti O 1997.0 5.0
Stenhelia (Delavalia) mastigochaeta O 1997.0 5.0
Stenhelia (Delavalia) reflexa O 1997.0 5.0
Stenhelia (Delavalia) reflexa O 1999.0 5.0
Stenhelia (Stenhelia) aemula O 1997.0 5.0
Stenhelia (Stenhelia) aemula O 1998.0 5.0
Stenhelia (Stenhelia) aemula O 1999.0 5.0
Synonchiella riemanni O 1997.0 5.0
Synonchiella riemanni O 1998.0 5.0
Synonchiella riemanni O 1999.0 5.0
Tachidiella minuta O 1997.0 5.0
Tachidiella minuta O 1999.0 5.0
Terschellingia communis O 1999.0 5.0
Terschellingia gourbaultae O 1999.0 5.0
Terschellingia longicaudata O 1997.0 5.0
Terschellingia longicaudata O 1998.0 5.0
Terschellingia longicaudata O 1999.0 5.0
Thalassoalaimus tardus O 1998.0 5.0
Thalassoalaimus tardus O 1999.0 5.0
Thalassomonhystera venusta O 1997.0 5.0
Thalassomonhystera venusta O 1998.0 5.0
Thalassomonhystera venusta O 1999.0 5.0
Theristus O 1997.0 5.0 2468.0
Theristus acer O 1998.0 5.0
Theristus acer O 1999.0 5.0
Theristus longus O 1999.0 5.0
Thompsonula hyaenae O 1999.0 5.0
Tisbe cluthae O 1997.0 5.0
Tisbe furcata O 1997.0 5.0
Trefusia zostericola O 1997.0 5.0
Tripyloides O 1997.0 5.0 2588.0
Tripyloides O 1999.0 5.0 2588.0
Tryphoema O 1997.0 5.0
Tubolaimoides O 1997.0 5.0 2414.0
Typhlamphiascus confusus O 1997.0 5.0
Typhlamphiascus typhloides O 1997.0 5.0
Viscosia glabra O 1997.0 5.0
Viscosia glabra O 1999.0 5.0
Viscosia viscosia O 1997.0 5.0
Viscosia viscosia O 1998.0 5.0
Viscosia viscosia O 1999.0 5.0
Zosime incrassata O 1997.0 5.0
Zosime major O 1997.0 5.0

In total, there are 381 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above. All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.

Related Data Counts ?

To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Related Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)

To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

ERDDAP, Version 2.23
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